
Clinical Manager
STACIE IS BACK! She’s finally back in her hometown and we couldn’t be happier for her! For a while, she was following her USMC husband around and living in California… I think Eugene’s much better. While she was away, she was broadening her knowledge of dentistry working as a clinical assistant, office manager, marketing coordinator, and community outreach. She’s excited to share her knowledge with us! Here as the Clinical Manager, Stacie builds and maintains the synergy within all clinics, which is a fancy way of saying she keeps the peace for this fun and crazy team! In her own words, “It is wonderful being able to provide treatments that help to transform lives one person at a time. Everyone deserves to feel special, so let’s make it happen.” It’s phrases like that where she really helps to motivate the team. But enough about work, she also has two boys and spending time with her family and friends is a top priority. You can also find Stacie on the dance floor, line dancing; she can really get down! She also enjoys hiking, painting, and going to Oregon Duck games. GO DUCKS!

Favorite Disney Movie: Lion King

Contact Us

4122 Quest Drive, Eugene, Oregon 97402

P: 541-844-1677 / F: 541-505-8463


Mon–Fri | 8-4pm Sat &amp Sun | Closed

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